Environmental Remediation in Action Across Industries

environmental remediation
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When most people hear the words “environmental remediation,” they immediately think of oil and gas spills, the resulting contamination, and the extensive work required to reduce environmental impact and mitigate safety risks.

This is understandable, especially given the amount of coverage and attention given to oil spills and their consequences. However, remediation is a proactive and reactive practice that applies to various industries and sectors, including chemical, railroad, manufacturing, education, and others.

Consequently, it is important for businesses operating in such areas to understand when environmental remediation services from environmental consultant Edmonton may be required, the types of environmental remediation techniques required, and how to enlist assistance.


Environmental Remediation Services Examples

Over the last several decades, combining technological advances and tightening regulatory requirements has dramatically improved environmental contamination protection. But it still happens, and environmental consultants Edmonton are adept at dealing with these situations quickly and comprehensively (using the appropriate remediation techniques).

Outside of the gas and oil industry, here are some examples of environmental remediation scenarios:


Chemical contaminations are especially concerning for obvious reasons. It is all too easy for groundwater and soil to be impacted without proper action, resulting in cascading effects.

  • A hydrochloric acid spill at a manufacturing facility resulted in the release of over 100,000 gallons of hydrochloric acid.

A quick reaction and initial response are critical in limiting the scope of this incident. Yards of affected soil must be excavated and safely disposed of, in addition to a thorough assessment of the damage, and a specialized batch treatment process must be implemented.

  • Chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cvocs) enter the soil and groundwater at a manufacturing site, migrate to neighbouring properties, and reach depths of about 20 metres below the surface. 

Following a feasibility study screening biological, chemical, physical, and thermal technologies, vital factors such as public and environmental health protection, the short-term and long-term effectiveness of the remedy, regulatory compliance, public opinion, cost, and more were considered. Finally, the source area must implement an in situ chemical reduction (ISCU) remedy.


Importing or exporting soil in accordance with existing or proposed surface grades is frequently required during railroad construction. Improper management of these materials can expose you to liability.

  • Creating a soil management programme (SMP) for construction projects to establish consistent uniform practices and reduce environmental liability.

Following consultation with various stakeholders such as the engineering department, design engineers, the environmental department, and construction managers in operations, these steps aided in creating a customised solution. A flexible soil sampling plan, collecting representative soil samples for testing, and a streamlined summary report for the engineering department would all be part of the final SMP.


Environmental impact is a constant consideration in the manufacturing industry. Given the importance of smooth and uninterrupted operations, it is critical to remain vigilant and proactive in the face of potential contamination.

  • Historical releases of chlorinated solvents and freon from its plant operations have impacted the groundwater beneath and downgradient. 

Before initiating corrective action, the full extent of these impacts must be assessed. Therefore, conduct a passive soil gas survey to identify additional contamination sources, isolate lateral contamination, and plan the placement of additional shallow monitoring wells. The installation of these wells assisted in defining the extent of impacts in groundwater while significantly lowering client costs and meeting state requirements.

  • Chlorinated solvents and petroleum have had a significant impact on the land.

 A fixed-price remediation programme that eliminates liability associated with known pollution conditions must be implemented to return the property to residential use while managing contaminant transport with minimal disruption. Supplemental soil and groundwater investigation reduced uncertainties. In addition, excavation, sulphate injection, and other methods may reduce the impacted area, followed by redevelopment.

Environmental Remediation Techniques Can Be Used Almost Anywhere

The role of transportation infrastructure in energy markets has become a flashpoint for legal conflict in recent years. The world is experiencing an unprecedented expansion of all modes of energy transport: oil and gas pipelines, liquefied natural gas projects, power transmission, and coal and oil port facilities.

On the other hand, environmentalists have insisted that pipelines and other transportation projects should not be built if they encourage fossil fuel production in markets “upstream” and consumption in markets “downstream” of these projects.

Nonetheless, oil spills will always make headlines, but environmental remediation applies to a wide range of scenarios, spanning a wide range of industries that require expert environmental remediation services. Being educated on this would allow us to gradually eliminate many encounters with potential environmental liabilities as a fact of doing business.

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