The tertiary sector is the third and final sector of the economy. It includes government, private, and nonprofit sectors. The tertiary sector consists of a wide variety of services such as education, health care, social assistance, and tourism. It is an extremely important part of the economy for the development of a nation. This is why you can frequently see the government taking special efforts towards boosting the growth of this sector. For instance, the GST council has been working really hard towards minimizing the disadvantages of gst business owners in the tertiary sector face encouraging more business owners to open companies in this sector.
The tertiary sector is not to be confused with the secondary sector which is composed of industries that produce goods for sale or distribution. The secondary sector produces goods (or raw materials) for use in manufacturing or construction companies that are then sold to the public at large. The tertiary sector provides goods and services directly to consumers without going through an intermediate level such as manufacturing companies or construction firms.
The tertiary sector provides services and therefore is also referred to as the service sector. Due to this, the tertiary sector is often seen as an end in itself: it need not be a means to an end. A university will not make money if it does not teach students or conduct research. In some cases, universities have made money by selling knowledge (e.g., patents). The tertiary sector can also be seen as the culmination of a number of smaller sectors (secondary and primary) that have been added on to the main one – which can then be termed the secondary or primary sectors.
Tertiary sector business examples:
Many different kinds of businesses can be seen as tertiary sector examples. However, we have listed some examples of businesses from the tertiary sector that are easy to start and could be opened anywhere with a minimum budget:
- Software development company
A software development company is a business that offers services to develop, create, and modify computer software. Software developers often specialize in specific areas such as website design or database management, but there are also many general-purpose programmers who develop custom software for clients.
- Online university
Online universities are known as online learning platforms where individuals can learn various subjects like computer science and business management from experts who have years of experience in those fields. These platforms offer courses both on-campus and online, enabling students to study from anywhere at any time with flexible schedules that don’t interfere with their daily lives.
- Online eCommerce company
The internet has made shopping online much more convenient than ever before, but there are still plenty of people who prefer to buy from brick-and-mortar stores — especially when they need something urgent like groceries or clothes! If you have a website or blog that offers easy access to these goods, you could easily turn it into an online store where customers can browse through your products without having to leave their homes or offices altogether.
- News agency
A news agency is an organization that gathers and distributes news and other information, such as sports and entertainment, in different forms. The purpose of a news agency is to deliver current events to its readers and viewers. With the help of modern technology, news agencies can now deliver news in real-time without having to wait for days or weeks for the print version to be published.
- Legal services
Lawyers provide legal advice and services to individuals, businesses and government entities. A lawyer can help you solve legal problems such as planning for your future, resolving conflicts between people who are involved in a dispute, or drafting contracts that define how business relationships should work.