Who Is Liable for Truck Accidents Caused by Defects?

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Truck accidents are some of the most dangerous motor vehicle accidents that can occur on the roads. Unfortunately, defective trucks are one of the causes of truck accidents. When this is the case, determining who is liable for the accident can be a complex process. 

Depending on the type of defect, different parties could be held liable for the damages, such as the truck owner, the truck manufacturer, the parts supplier, and the mechanic who performed maintenance on the truck. 

To determine the liable party for the semi truck accident, an investigation must be conducted to identify the cause of the defect and the party responsible. 

This article explores the different parties that could be liable for a truck accident caused by a defect.


Get Professional Help

If you’ve been involved in an accident caused by a defective truck, it’s important to understand that you can get help. 

A truck accident lawyer can help investigate who is liable for the accident and provide you with the legal support needed to get the compensation you deserve. 

A truck accident lawyer can help you build a case to prove that the truck was defective and that the party responsible for the accident was negligent and should be held liable for your injuries.

Possible Liable Parties for Such Accidents

  1. Vehicle Owner Liability

In some cases, the truck owner may be liable for a truck accident caused by a defect. For example, if a truck owner is negligent and does not properly maintain the truck, they may be liable for the damages caused by a defect in the truck. 

This can occur if they fail to replace a part that is worn out or fails to perform regular maintenance, such as replacing the coolant, and a part causes a defect in the truck. 

In this case, the owner’s negligence is the cause of the defect, and they could be held liable for the damages. 

Additionally, some truck owners may be negligent when selecting a trucking company to haul their goods. When this is the case, the owner may be liable if an accident caused by a defect in the truck results in damages.

  1. Manufacturer Liability

Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that their vehicles are safe for the road and that their parts are safe. 

When a truck manufacturer is negligent and causes a defect, they could be held liable for the damages caused by the defect. This can occur if a manufacturer fails to properly test their truck before it is put on the road or if they fail to address a design issue that can cause a defect. 

When a manufacturer is negligent with defective truck, they could be held liable for the damages. 

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  • Failure to Test – Vehicles are tested rigorously by manufacturers before they are put on the road, but sometimes they fail these tests. When this is the case, the manufacturer should take steps to correct the issue before it goes to market. But if a truck is put on the road before it is properly tested and in case of accident resulting from defect, the manufacturer could be liable for the damages. 
  • Failure to Recall Vehicles – In some cases, a manufacturer may know that a vehicle has a design defect that can cause it to break down, and they may fail to recall the vehicle. When this is the case, the manufacturer may be liable for the damages caused by the defect. 
  • Failure to Fix Design Defects – Sometimes, a manufacturer knows about a design defect in their vehicle but does not take action to correct the issue. When this is the case, the manufacturer may be liable for the damages caused by the defect.
  1. Parts Supplier Liability

Parts suppliers are responsible for providing safe parts that can withstand the stress they are subjected to while in use. When a truck causes an accident because of a bad part, the parts supplier could be held liable for the damages caused by the defect. 

This can occur if a parts supplier fails to test their parts before they are put into use or if they fail to test their parts properly. 

In other cases, a parts supplier may fail to produce a safe part or reduce the quality to make more money, leading to a defect in the part. In each of these situations, a parts supplier could be held liable for damages caused by a defective part. 

  • Failure to Test – Like manufacturers, parts suppliers are responsible for properly testing their parts. When a parts supplier fails to properly test their parts, and a truck causes a defect. As a result, the parts supplier could be held liable for the damages caused by the defect.
  • Failure to Follow Standards – Parts suppliers are responsible for following safety standards, such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) safety standards, which are designed to ensure that parts are safe. When a parts supplier fails to follow these safety standards, and a truck causes a defect as a result, they could be held liable. 
  • Cutting Corners – In some cases, parts suppliers may try to save money by producing a part that does not meet safety standards. When this is the case, they could be held liable for the damages caused by a defect.

Mechanic Liability

Mechanics are responsible for inspecting and repairing vehicles properly. When a mechanic fails to properly inspect a vehicle before maintenance work is performed or performs maintenance work improperly, they could cause a defect in the truck. 

In this case, the mechanic would be liable for the damages caused by the defect. 

Image source: Pexels.com

  • Negligence During Inspection – In some cases, a mechanic may fail to properly inspect a truck or may fail to check important components of a truck, such as a vehicle’s braking system, and cause a defect in a truck. When this occurs, the mechanic could be held liable for the damages caused by the defect. 
  • Negligence During Maintenance – In some cases, a mechanic may perform maintenance on various trucking types improperly or may perform maintenance on a truck incorrectly and cause a defect in a truck. When this occurs, the mechanic could be held liable for the damages caused by the defect.

Investigation Process

An investigation will be conducted to determine which party is liable for a truck accident caused by a defect. During this process, each party that could be liable for the defect will be investigated

  •  First, the trucking company that was operating the truck at the time of the accident will be investigated. If the truck was operated correctly, but a defect caused the accident, the trucking company may be liable for damages. –
  • Next, the truck manufacturer will be investigated. If a defect caused the accident, the manufacturer may be liable for the damages. 
  • Finally, other parties could be investigated, such as the parts supplier, and the mechanic who repaired the truck.


Truck accidents are some of the most dangerous motor vehicle accidents that can occur on the roads. When these accidents are caused by defects in the truck, determining who is liable for the accident can be a complex process. 

Depending on the type of defect, different parties could be held liable for the damages, such as the truck owner, the truck manufacturer, the parts supplier, and the mechanic who performed maintenance on the truck. 

In order to determine the party that is liable, a thorough investigation is conducted to identify the cause of the defect and the party responsible for the defect that led to an accident and caused damages.